Tuesday 8 March 2016

100 WC week 10

                                                                         We are the statues

We never wanted to be statues. I guess that's just what was meant for us. Now, you don't always get to become a human, your life could be used to become a animal, a plant, a resource, or a cloud! Only the most speacial of lives get to become humans. I guess there was a shortage of posed statues in the world, so they took me and a few other guys and made us the rusted metal we are today. It's not like we don't get the attention, people take picture with us, kids climb on us, and even the occasional bird  lands on us. I do like who I am though I would like to move my arm, it's tiring holding it up all day.


  1. I like the thought of your story! Very creative. I'm not to sure why at the begging ing of you second sentence you put the word "now" but if that's what you were going for that's fine. I do think you should take out that word. I like how said "rusted metal" it really made a picture in my head. The ending of your story made me laugh. I enjoyed your story.

  2. supercool story. I like it. I didn't think the second line was necessary though.

  3. I love this! Going to pop it on the showcase because it is such a great idea for a story and so believable. Thanks for sharing Puga Chan!

    Mrsa Skinner (UK)

  4. This is such a refreshing piece of writing Puga Chan. All the others I have read have had a story woven about who the figures might represent, what the topic of conversation is etc, but you have simply written from the point of view of the statues themselves.
    Another commenter has questioned your use of the word 'now' but I see this, along with your 'I guess...' as reflective thoughts expressed well.
    Thanks for sharing your very individual ideas,
    New Plymouth
    New Zealand
