Thursday, 14 April 2016

100 Word Challenge week 13.

I guess you can say my plants were "unhealthy" even though they were bean plants.
I know I only planted them a week and a half ago, but still! Not a steam or a sprout, nothing!
It had been sunny all week and raining the other three days, so I didn't understand what I was doing wrong. A day later I went outside to water my beans, and was shocked to find a green steam emerging out of the soil.
"Finally" I screeched with excitement.

I thought it would die, but that spot just grew and grew
A day later, I looked up.

And then that's when it all came together.

My plants weren't growing because the abnormally large trees were blocking out the sun light.

"So how on earth did I miss it?" I asked myself.


  1. Very funny. Great story! Why does every sentence at the bottom has a space in between? If you are speaking you should add quotation marks. You can try to add more descriptive language.

  2. Add quotation marks but other than that good story.
